LawnEnvy | 733 S. Munson Rd., Royse City, TX 75189 | 972-635-6606
Liquid Lawn Aeration in Rowlett
We’ve all known for years that aeration is beneficial to lawns of all grass types. But not many people aerate
their lawns, because it’s a difficult, lengthy process that involves renting an aerating machine and results in
something of a mess on your lawn. Now, we’ve found a natural, liquid aeration product that has been used on
golf courses and sports fields, but is now available to us. One easy spray-on application is all it will take to
help your lawn be healthier and stay greener. It could even reduce your watering time and save on your
water bill!
What is SuperSoil Liquid Aeration?
For years, golf courses, sports fields, and lawn care professionals have understood the benefits of aerating
turfgrass. They have invested money in aerating machines and the employees to run them. Now, there is a
product that works better than aerating machines and can be applied as a simple liquid spray application.
SuperSoil is an environmentally-friendly liquid polymer with a strong negative charge that forces itself down
into the soil, expanding and uncoiling, aerating your lawn and removing sodium from the soil. Because of its
positive charge (and clay’s negative charge) sodium can contribute greatly to soil compaction and can also
prevent your grass from using the nutrients in the soil.
The result is a well-aerated lawn that uses water and fertilizer much better, giving you a greener, more lush
lawn with a stronger, deeper root system. Try SuperSoil and see the difference it makes this summer!!
Benefits of SuperSoil Aeration
We recommend natural, liquid SuperSoil because it offers complete coverage, unlike an aeration machine.
Mechanical aeration affects 3-5% of your lawn, and basically leaves a mess. SuperSoil covers 100% of your
lawn, leaves no soil plugs lying around, and has other qualities that you will never get from mechanical
aeration. In addition,
Makes your lawn greener
SuperSoil removes sodium from the soil so that your fertilizer and other nutrients in the soil work better.
Makes better use of your watering
Save time and money by getting the most out of your watering.
SuperSoil lets water penetrate the soil more easily and reduces standing water and runoff.
Reduces compaction
SuperSoil aerates and loosens the soil so that your grass’ roots can grow deeper and stronger.
Makes your lawn look better even during drought conditions
A lawn that received a SuperSoil application in the spring will hold up better in drought conditions, due to
increased use of the water and a deeper, healthier root system.
How Much is an Application of SuperSoil?
The price of a SuperSoil application is the same price as your regular scheduled lawn application which is a
bargain considering the cost of renting a machine and the fact that you get much more benefit than you
would get using a machine.
To request a quote on the above service or any that we offer, you can fill out the simple form below. Whether
you are a current or new customer we can get you a quote quickly so that we can start your service as soon
as possible.
Call LawnEnvy today for a free estimate.
P.O. Box 1016, Royse City, TX 75189
733 S. Munson Road, Royse City, TX 75189
Phone: 972-635-6606 / Cell: 214-243-0978
Be the Envy of your neighborhood with LawnEnvy